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  • Hunger Winter

    Hunger Winter

    In late 1944, as the Nazis seek to stamp out all opposition in the Netherlands, 13-year-old Dirk becomes the man of the house when his papa becomes one of many who join the Dutch Resistance. After the Gestapo arrest his older sister, Dirk awakens one...

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  • The Door in the Wall

    Door in the Wall

    Set in medieval England, this timeless classic tells the story of a young boy named Robin who, after losing the use of his legs, must persevere to find new ways to serve his king when danger threatens the castle. Subject: Reading Suggested...

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  • Huguenot Garden

    Huguenot Garden

    The Huguenot Garden is a novel about a pair of young French girls in seventeenth-century France. Members of a French Protestant household, they and their family suffer through the religious persecution of Louis XIV. Readers will learn about the joys...

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  • Hunting for Whales

    Hunting for Whales

    This novel presents a fascinating account of two young men, from very different backgrounds, who experience the adventure of whaling during the mid-nineteenth century. It is not only a story of adventure and hardship on the high seas, but also a tale...

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