FAQs - Recommendation Service
Select a question for which you would like additional information:
- Should I use the recommendation service?
- Which testing service products can be used with the recommendation service?
- How long does it take to create a curriculum recommendation?
- How is a curriculum recommendation developed?
- How will I receive my student's recommendation?
- What is included in the curriculum recommendation report?
- How long do you store curriculum recommendations?
- What should I do if I need to obtain a past recommendation?
- Who has access to my student's curriculum recommendation?
- May my home school group or school obtain group recommendations?
- If after order the recommendation service I decide to enroll my child in CLH, is my student eligible for a discount on CLH tuition?

If you have little or no experience developing curriculum, we invite you to use our Curriculum Recommendation Service. It works in conjunction with our Independent Testing Service. Its purpose is to suggest a curriculum for your student based on an evaluation of your child's abilities and the curriculum options we offer.
The recommendation service can be used with either the paper or online versions of the California Achievement Test (not the practice CAT). The service is not designed to be used with the TestPoint Placement Test.
It takes approximately a week from the time we receive and grade your CAT to create a curriculum recommendation. Note that since online CATs provide results more quickly than the paper version (no mailing is involved), completion of the recommendation would occur sooner for that form of test.
We will evaluate your student's test results to determine the best courses for each subject at the given grade level. Course selection is primarily based on the curricula used by Christian Liberty Homeschools and/or sold by Christian Liberty Press.
Recommendations based on the paper-based CAT will be mailed to you along with your CAT results, a letter explaining the different types of scores provided, and your test answer sheet (those taking the Level 1 and Level 2 CAT will receive their test booklet). Recommendations based on online CAT will be emailed to you along with an explanation of scores.
Your student's recommendation will include a list of suggested courses for all pertinent subject areas and where they may be obtained. In most cases, the courses being suggested are those sold by Christian Liberty Press. On occasion, however, we will suggest courses sold by other publishers due to a child's test results.
We keep curriculum recommendations for at least five years.
Contact Christian Liberty Press for a copy of one of your student's past recommendations, and we will mail/email it directly to you.
Only selected Christian Liberty staff members will have access to your recommendation. Christian Liberty will not share the recommendation with anyone without prior permission from the purchaser.
No, the Independent Recommendation Service is designed for individual students. While you may sign up multiple students from within your family or group, each student receives an individualized recommendation. There are no discounts for multiple students.
If after ordering the recommendation service I decide to enroll my child in CLH, is my student eligible for a discount on CLH tuition?
No. There is no CLH tuition discount for the curriculum recommendation service. However, a discount (the cost of the test itself) is awarded if the achievement test was completed within six months of enrollment and you choose to enroll into the grade level that aligns with the completed test.