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1 Hour vs. 40 Hours

1 Hour vs. 40 Hours

Posted by Calvin Lindstrom on 03/09/2023

A few years ago, a staff member and I were discussing a statistic or timing issue. I once had estimated that the time that a child spen
Teaching Tip #7: March 2023

Teaching Tip #7: March 2023

Posted by Ed Straka on 03/09/2023

Last month’s “teaching tip” was Right is Right and was built upon the previous month’s concept of No Opt-Out. Students are not allowed to co
Teaching Tip #6: February 2023

Teaching Tip #6: February 2023

Posted by Ed Straka on 02/06/2023

This month's “teaching tip” is Right is Right and will build upon last month’s concept of No Opt-Out. Just as students are not allowed to be
Encouragement in Prayer

Encouragement in Prayer

Posted by Calvin Lindstrom on 02/06/2023

Almost four years ago, I spent a lot of time in the hospital. It was not for me, but because my mother suffered a heart attack and even wors