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Testing Service


The Trusted LeaderLet our 30 years of experience in the field of standardized testing and Christian curriculum work for you.

To help parent-instructors and teachers objectively evaluate the academic progress of their students from kindergarten through twelfth grade,* Christian Liberty Press offers both achievement testing and placement testing services. These services can be ordered at any time during the year. Those purchasing an achievement test may also order a curriculum recommendation service, which will assist in the task of selecting the appropriate curriculum materials.

Since 1987, Christian Liberty has been providing achievement-testing services to students through the paper version of the nationally recognized California Achievement Test (CAT)—1970 edition. In 2010, we began to offer two different online testing services: an online version of the 1970 edition California Achievement Test, and the TestPoint Placement Test. Both online options offer immediate feedback compared to the paper-based CAT that requires mailing materials before results can be determined and communicated. Most recently, in 2017, we added a practice version of the CAT for those who are unaccustomed to the testing environment and would like to get a “feel” for the process before moving to the real thing.

Many families understand the value of testing students each school year. Christian Liberty’s Independent Testing Service not only makes this possible and affordable, but also offers the advantage of administering the test without any special proctor or administrative oversight.

For information specific to each test, or to order, click on one of the products below. Other information can also be found on our FAQ page, including why we still use the 1970 edition CAT.

Only placement testing is offered for kindergarten and first grade; achievement testing does not begin until grade two.  

Achievement Test Versus Placement Test
Achievement tests are used to determine the general skill or knowledge level attained by a student (compared to his peers), regardless of grade level placement. Their purpose is to evaluate what a student has learned over a period of time. Placement tests, on the other hand, are used to help find out whether a student has sufficient knowledge to enter a particular grade level.

Between the two, the achievement test is usually the better option. We have found that most parents are more concerned with the overall aptitude of their student. They have already chosen the grade level, and are looking for an objective indicator of their student’s abilities. Therefore, Christian Liberty generally recommends the California Achievement Test (either paper or online) for their testing needs. Furthermore, because of this preference, you will find that our testing service options apply only to the CAT.

Recommendation Service**
It is one thing to know how a student’s academic skills compare to other students across the nation, yet quite another to know what curriculum materials will best match those skills. For those who are unsure of which materials to choose, Christian Liberty offers a curriculum recommendation service that provides a subject-by-subject listing of recommended curriculum materials (from those offered through Christian Liberty) based solely on the CAT scores.

This service is $15 per student and may be purchased (optional) at the time an achievement test is ordered.

**  Only available to those who are ordering the online or paper California Achievement Test. The Recommendation Service is not an option for the CAT Practice Test or the TestPoint Placement test.