Product Description
The Studying God’s Word Series is designed to have the student encounter the biblical text firsthand over a 36-week period. The goal of this curriculum is to go beyond the stories of the Bible and to have students read the Bible itself.
Preparing God's People covers events in the Bible from Creation up through Ruth and Boaz in a chronological order. Students will learn about leading figures, including: Adam and Eve, Noah, Job, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Deborah, Samson, and Ruth. They will also learn how God called His people to the Promised Land and how His people wavered between disobeying God’s commands and repenting for their rebellion.
Subject: Bible |
Suggested Grade: 4th |
Authors: John Benz and Darrel A. Trulson |
Copyright: 2023 |
Softbound: 275 pages |
ISBN: 978-1-629821-94-8 |
Companion Products
Preparing God's People: Genesis to Ruth - Answer Key
Preparing God's People: Genesis to Ruth - Quiz Packet