Product Description
Set amidst the backdrop of the scholarship and humanism of renaissance France — and its love of luxury, power, and decadence — this fast-paced biographical novel on John Calvin is told from the perspective of a fictional rival, Jean-Louise, whose envy escalates to violent intrigue and shameless betrayal. As Calvin's personal valet, Jean-Louise is determined to sell all for a convoluted allegiance to the King of France and the jealous Doctors of the Sorbonne — even if it costs him his own soul. This is a story of royal intrigue, desperate escapes, violent martyrdom, hazard-all romance and loss, high-risk debate, and sword-point confession. In essence, this tale is how God uses the humility and unflinching faithfulness of one man to break down the barrenness and bitterness of another, all accomplished by God's grace.
In The Betrayal, Bond gives a broad overview of the issues surrounding the Reformation while drawing the reader into the moral and spiritual malaise of the era. Moreover, Bond lets Calvin speak for himself by using words from Calvin's systematic theology called the Institutes of the Christian Religion. Though Calvin's theological reflections may be daunting for some, this novel will give readers a deeper appreciation for his keen insight into the doctrines of the Bible and his passion for the truth.
Subject: Reading |
Suggested Grade: 9th - Adult |
Author: Douglas Bond |
Copyright: 2009 |
Softbound: 383 pages |
ISBN: 978-1-59638-125-4 |