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The New Assyrians: Masters of the Migration Game?

The New Assyrians: Masters of the Migration Game?

Posted by Ed Straka on 05/29/2024

     Long ago and far away in central Asia there was a superpower known as the Assyrians. Although good at agriculture and iron working, they were also good at the military arts with cavalry, charioteers, bowman, and lancers that, upon winning the battle would engage in torture as a form of psy-ops to terrify neighboring countries.[i] Upon destroying their enemy’s military power, the Assyrians utilized the ingenious practice of forced deportation of defeated people groups while replacing those deported with a totally different people group thus preventing either from redeveloping their civilization again. In other words, they had developed root-less cultures all over their part of the empire thus keeping those people weak.


     Their rootlessness prevented the subjugated nations from redeveloping their old culture thus preventing them from reestablishing their own core values to coalesce around. This made them a divided people unable to do anything large scale but work as drones under the power that was Assyria.[ii]

     Mass migrations can do the same thing; people are kept divided due to their different perspectives on how the world works and how people should live. This made them easier to control. If the receiving cultures do not have a solid set of cultural values agreed upon by most with the goal of perpetuating said values – they will lose ground to the migrant culture as completely as if said “migrant culture” had been an invading army.

     Does migration damage culture?

Does Migration Damage Culture?

     Before attempting to answer the above philosophical question – “Does migration damage culture?” – perhaps the first question is: what exactly is culture?

According to the American Heritage Dictionary, “culture” is: 1. The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought characteristic of a community or a population. 2. A style of social and artistic expression peculiar to a society or class. 3. Intellectual and artistic activity, and the works produced by it. 4. The act of developing the social, moral, and intellectual faculties through education. 5. A high degree of taste and refinement formed by aesthetic and intellectual training (more was included in the definition regarding possible usage).[iii]

     That is one “dictionary definition” of “culture,” and one that speaks to most areas of a person’s life, or sociology. But to the average person, culture is fine art, Greco-Roman buildings filled with old pictures and Steinway pianos, and glamorous people wearing the latest fashion sitting in a cappuccino bar, sipping wine or coffee, and speaking French, Mozart playing softly in the background.

     Dr. Mary Ann Froechlich concurs:

In a wealthy, sophisticated society, a knowledge of the arts can be the sign of a cultured individual, contributing to one’s image of power and success. The corporate executive who has built a billion-dollar company enjoys attending the symphony, playing Beethoven on his Steinway piano, and collecting fine artwork in the same way he enjoys nouvelle cuisine, good wine, traveling abroad, and having his library filled with classics. The arts are an indication of status.[iv]

     On a personal note, I can attest to this attitude. I can recall in my early twenties prior to my conversion, when I worked on the docks in Chicago, and the more “artsy” of my friends would tell me of some cafe they had gone to over the weekend, and sat listening to jazz music, while drinking French brandy. These were men weighing over 180 lbs., who drove forklifts at night wearing torn tee-shirts that barely covered brawny, tattooed arms, men whose mouths uttered the lingua-franca of the streets of Chicago that could make a sailor blush. Yet they, and the thousands of other people flocked to similar cafes, jazz bars, and nightclubs ordering up a round of “culture” at five dollars a glass while they listened to the musician sing or play, and in pretended sophistication, “enjoyed culture.”

     Yet of the three noted perspectives on culture, mine was the shallowest, to be sure. All three ignored the reality of what a strong culture lends itself to doing for those within it: solidification of the people, their value and legal system, and their civilization.

     Thomas Sowell, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, gives us his definition of culture below:

Culture, as the term is used here, will not be confined to what one scholar on ethnicity has called “real culture,” such as “music and art.” On the contrary, the focus here will be primarily on those aspects of culture which provide the material requirements for life itself – the specific skills, general work habits, saving propensities, and attitudes toward education and entrepreneurship – in short, what economists call “human capital.” That is not because of a “glorification of the practical,” conceived of as an antithesis to higher culture, but because the material resources from which physical survival itself must come are also requirements for music, art, literature, philosophy, and other forms of higher culture, rather than to meeting survival needs. Moreover, in comparing groups and societies, matters of subjective taste and habitual conditioning are so intimately involved in evaluations of music and art that it is far more problematical to speak of one group or society as being more advanced or more effective in these realms than to say that one group or society is more advanced in industrial skills or medical care.[v]

     Sowell has pointed to the heart of the matter by suggesting that “Culture…not be confined to what one scholar on ethnicity has called “real culture,” such as “music and art.” But rather “on those aspects of culture which provide the material requirements for life itself – the specific skills, general work habits, saving propensities, and attitudes toward education and entrepreneurship – in short, what economists call “human capital.” In other words, although “the arts are an indication of status” as Dr. Froehlich stated earlier,[vi] the enjoyment of these “arts” is one thing, the ability to produce them, along with maintain their status as “higher culture” in the minds of society is quite another matter. Particularly if the issues of “human capital” are not recognized as a necessary foundation to a society’s overall stability.

     A person may enjoy Mozart and Picasso, but if they cannot hold on to a job, or relate to other people in a polite responsible manner, or solve a multitude of other problems on a regular basis that deal with everyday ordinary life, their “culture” will reflect these sociological patterns.

     How this planes out will make many uncomfortable, particularly those tenured at liberal, leftist university campuses. As Sowell states:

It may sound noble to say that cultures are merely different, not better or worse in any way, and that it is all a matter of perceptions and preferences. But this argument contradicts itself by saying that one way of looking at cultural differences is better – the way of cultural relativism preferred by a fringe of contemporary intellectuals, rather than the way preferred by the vast majority of other human beings around the world and down through the centuries. These cultural differences do not matter only if cause and effect do not matter.[vii]

     In other words, many cultures are different, and indeed better, because they are not only different, but superior in the way they are able to solve their problems at every level of their sociology, while planning for the future with regard to health care, education, law, and economics, not to mention the general well-being of the country. The more complicated the culture, the more complex the sociology and thus the people and how they live their lives.

     Yet, cultures can be broken immediately through the breakdown of war and destruction of cultural and educational institutions and the loss of life. Or they can be destroyed through the endless dripping of immigration wherein people of different cultural values due to a different world and life view are allowed into a society and in time, overwhelm it.[viii] Sadly, under the Biden Administration the situation has not been an “endless dripping of immigration” but a torrent.[ix]


Perhaps this is dawning on the insouciant American population, a population long protected from reality by myths of its pureness and goodness and the home of the free. Military families themselves have turned on the anti-white US military and discouraged their sons from signing up. Consequently, the services cannot meet their recruitment goals. After all, what white person would be motivated to serve the Biden regime’s anti-white view of America?

As white American citizens begin to comprehend that they are regarded as America’s enemy, US politicians are advocating signing up the immigrant-invaders who have violated our borders into the US military. In America as in Rome where Roman reliance on Germans as troops resulted in German rule, America will be ruled by immigrant-invaders. It is only a matter of time.

As an historical entity, the United States of America is far past her prime. With the Democrats’ open border policy and Democrat agitation for giving the vote to immigrant-invaders, it is difficult to say whether even the concept of the US as a nation any longer exists. How is a land without borders a country?

How is it that a country such as the USA whose President, legislature, and judiciary refuse to protect America’s borders has a government that lacks commitment to its own survival, but although totally uncommitted to the survival of its own country is committed to the survival of Ukraine and Israel?

Clearly, throughout the Western world democracy is a total failure. It is impossible for “representative government” to represent the ethnic citizens of the countries. In effect, the Western peoples are being erased, not only their voice, but their physical presence on earth.[x]

     The above statements by Roberts may not be popular but they are nonetheless true. Indeed, Patrick Buchanan prophetically suggested the same thing nearly 15 years ago in his book Suicide of a Super Power: Will America Survive Until 2025?[xi]

     What have we learned since then?

The Masters of the Game

     Cultures and civilizations are similar to icebergs: when intact they are formidable and outright dangerous. But once they break apart, their diminished size makes them vulnerable the further they move away from the original mass; they eventually melt never to return to their original size and strength.

     The Assyrians are long gone; yet their post-war practice of divide and conquer is still present and practiced by the various NGOs that operate in the shadows in various parts of the globe, like clouds, loyal to none and always on the move as they seek to establish their hold over nations. How else can we explain the fact of large numbers of non-Latino migrants found at the American borders slipping through? Who paid their way from Africa, the Middle East, or Asia?

     Sadly, and as noted above, our own government makes no attempt to stop the influx of illegals all the while intervening financially and/or militarily in foreign affairs that have no bearing on American life nor civilization.

     All the while the endless dripping at the southern border turns into a torrent and the public schools and universities plus Hollywood weakens the culture from within through WOKE ideology. The iceberg of America has begun to melt.

Action to Take

     Before the melting is complete, the time has come to focus on the building up of local communities and local institutions of family, church, schools and government services that are loyal to their communities and the community values present. To help in that endeavor parents need to become involved not only in all of those above name institutions but in the education and discipleship of their own children. To assist you in that responsibility, Christian Liberty Homeschools has the tools you need to be successful. Visit us at:




[iii] American Heritage Dictionary, Second College Edition, (Houghton Mifflin Co.: Boston, 1982,85), p.348.

[iv] Dr. Mary Ann Froehlich, Music Education in the Christian Home, (Wolgemuth-Hyatt Publishing: Brentwood, TN., 1990), p.8.

[v] Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture: A World View, (New York, NY: Basic Books, 1994), p.xii.

[vi] Music Education in the Christian Home, p.8.

[vii] Thomas Sowell, Migrations and Cultures, (New York, NY: Basic Books, 1996), p. 381. Sowell’s opinion is to the point! Why do “third world nations” (in politically correct jargon known as “LDNs” – less developed nations) – flock to the West (Europe, Britain, and the U.S.) if cultural differences do not matter?

[viii] Economic Impact on Culture of Immigration:

[ix] San Diego & the Border Patrol:

