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It's Never Too Late take control of your child's education!It's Never Too Late

Concerned that your child is glued to a screen?
Worried about whether your child is really learning?
Have issues with content being taught?

Good News!
It's not too late to make a change to ensure your kids are getting the good education you want for them. Christian Liberty offers a variety of home education options that provide you with all the stability and flexibility you desire—without sitting in front of a computer all day.

Option 1 – Christian Liberty Homeschools
Can you really do it? YES! We're here to help you too, with our full-service, accredited, K-12 program. Get everything you need for the entire grade level, plus grading, transcripts and diploma. For those who prefer to do their own grading and keep their own records, a family plan option is also available. (Located at our sister-site,

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Option 2 – Christian Liberty Press
Are you interested in independent home school materials and services? We can help! Purchase curriculum kits and/or individual books for use as an independent home schooler (check out our current specials). Achievement testing services are also available if you are unsure where your child is at academically.

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