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Individual Course Enrollments


To enroll in our Christian Liberty Homeschools programs
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For over forty years, the Christian Liberty Homeschools (CLH) has offered its K–12 curriculum to home schooling families on a full grade-level basis. While the full program is still the best option both academically and financially for most families, we recognize that there may be good reasons why a student may wish to take only a course or two with CLH. We are pleased to offer our courses on an individual basis for High school. These are the same courses we offer in our standard full-time curriculum with the same grading, report card, and transcript services. CLH is simply making these courses available individually to independent home schoolers outside of the full-time CLH program.

The tuition for individual course enrollments varies by course. However, tuition covers enrollment, textbooks, tests, handbook, grading, report cards, initial transcript, special mailings, and legal information. Postage costs for mailing course work back to CLH are the responsibility of the family.

Students taking individual courses with CLH are not enrolled in our full-time diploma program. They are not eligible to graduate from CLH or receive a CLH high school diploma unless they transfer into the full-time program for at least the twelfth grade and meet the same criteria as other transfer students. Credits awarded for individual courses are transferable to our full-time program.

Students taking individual courses are not eligible to request Certificates of Enrollment. They are also ineligible for eighth grade diplomas.