Title: Streams of Civilization, Volume Two, 3rd Ed. |
Subject: World History |
Course Number: 79660 |
Suggested Grade Level: 9th–12th |
Author: Garry J. Moes |
Number of Pages: 618 |
Publisher: Christian Liberty Press |
Academic Credit: 1.0 |
Copyright: 2017 |
Course Charge: None |
Prerequisites: None |
Course Materials: Textbook, teacher’s manual, and 17 tests* |
* Historical timeline charts are also available for separate purchase. |
Course Description: This course examines modern world history (1500s to today) from a Christian viewpoint. It deals with such issues as Western exploration and colonialism, Reformation and Counter-Reformation, revolution, economic progress, world wars, the rise of the Third World, and cultural changes in the West. |