High School Choice
Heritage Studies • Government

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Title: The Story of the Constitution
Subject: U.S. Constitution Course Number: 79985
Suggested Grade Level: 8th–12th
Authors: Sol Bloom and Lars Johnson Number of Pages: 301
Publisher: Christian Liberty Press Academic Credit: None*
Copyright: 2001 (2nd edition) Course Charge: None
Prerequisites: None
Course Materials: Workbook, teacher’s manual, and 13 tests
   * One credit if assigned at the high school level
Course Description: This course begins with a brief exploration of the origins of our country and the steps that led to the Constitution’s formation. Then it turns to detailed examination of the Constitution itself. Finally, it tells what the Constitution stands for in principle and the means by which it operates.

Students who complete this course are not eligible to take the CD-ROM version of The Story of the Constitution.