Title: Science: Earth and Space |
Subject: Science |
Course Number: 60380 |
Suggested Grade Level: 8th–10th |
Author:E. Martin, J. Foster, G. Parker,
D. McKenzie, D. Shimmin, D. Steele |
Number of Pages: 439 |
Publisher: A Beka Book Publishers |
Academic Credit: None† |
Copyright: 2011 |
Course Charge: None |
Prerequisites: None |
Course Materials: Textbook, answer key,* and 13 tests* |
* Item published by Christian Liberty Press
† One credit if assigned at the high school level |
Course Description: This general physical science text investigates the fields of geology, oceanography, meteorology, astronomy, and environmental science. It is written from a Christian point of view with the understanding that God both created and sustains the universe. One goal of the text is to help students understand what it means for mankind to have dominion over and take proper care of the environment as good stewards of Creation. |