Title: Physics: The Foundational Science |
Subject: Physics |
Course Number: 60295 |
Suggested Grade Level: 9th–12th |
Author: Ed Rickard |
Number of Pages: 649 |
Publisher: A Beka Book Publishers |
Academic Credit: 1.0 |
Copyright: 2011 (2nd edition) |
Course Charge: $80.00 |
Prerequisites: Algebra 1 and Geometry, or Saxon Algebra 2 |
Course Materials: Textbook, solution key, and 11 tests* |
Course Description: This course introduces basic physics concepts. Coursework examines fundamental laws of matter and energy, velocity and acceleration, thermodynamics and heat, acoustics and sound waves, reflection and refraction of light, electricity, magnetism, and quantum theory.
* The test key for this course must be purchased directly from A Beka. |