Title: SaxonMath Homeschool 8/7 with Prealgebra |
Subject: Arithmetic |
Course Number: 59365 |
Suggested Grade Level: 8th–11th |
Authors: Stephen Hake and John Saxon |
Number of Pages: 931 |
Publisher: Saxon Publishers, Inc. |
Academic Credit: None† |
Copyright: 2005 (3rd edition) |
Course Charge: None |
Prerequisites: None |
Course Materials: Textbook, Tests and Worksheets book (includes Saxon test forms), Solutions Manual, and 8 tests* |
* Item published by Christian Liberty Press
† One credit if assigned at the high school level |
Course Description: This course uses an incremental approach to review arithmetic, calculation, geometry, and measurement. Also included are pre-algebra topics such as ratios and expanded information on probability and statistics. |