High School Choice
Personal Enrichment • Home Economics

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Title: Home Economics
Subject: Home Economics Course Number: 93500
Suggested Grade Level: 8th–12th
Author: Marcia Parker Number of Pages: 585*
Publisher: Alpha Omega Publications Academic Credit: 1.0†
Copyright: 2000 Course Charge: $50.00
Prerequisites: None
Course Materials: 10 Lifepac workbooks, teacher’s guide, and a manual on the nutritive value of foods; each workbook contains 1 test
   * Sum total of all ten Lifepacs. Each booklet averages about 59 pages.
   † If assigned prior to ninth grade, credit may be awarded (upon request)  once the student is enrolled in high school.
Course Description: This is a complete home economics course that covers Christian character and appearance, cooking, sewing, fashion, interior decorating, hospitality, etiquette, home management, finances, child development and care, and relationships.