Title: Exploring Creation with Physics |
Subject: Physics |
Course Number: 69250 |
Suggested Grade Level: 9th–12th |
Author: Jay L. Wile |
Number of Pages: 601 |
Publisher: Apologia Educational Ministries |
Academic Credit: 1.0 |
Copyright: 2004 (2nd edition) |
Course Charge : $80.00 |
Prerequisites: Algebra 1 and Geometry, or Saxon Algebra 2 |
Course Materials: Textbook and the solutions and tests booklet (includes 16 tests) |
Course Description: This general physics course covers motion in one and two dimensions with an emphasis on vectors, applications of Newton’s laws, gravity, energy and work, periodic motion, momentum, waves, optics, magnetism, electrostatics, electrodynamics, and circuits. |