Title: Exploring Creation with Chemistry, 3rd ed. |
Subject: Chemistry |
Course Number: 69245 |
Suggested Grade Level: 9th–12th |
Authors: Kristy Plourde and Rusty Hughes |
Number of Pages: 650 |
Publisher: Apologia Educational Ministries |
Academic Credit: 1.0 |
Copyright: 2014 (3nd edition) |
Course Charge: $80.00 |
Prerequisites: Algebra 1 |
Course Materials: Textbook and the solutions and tests booklet (includes 16 tests) |
Course Description: This beginning high school chemistry course discusses measurement and significant figures; the chemistry of energy, heat, and temperature; states of matter and chemical equations; stoichiometry; atomic and molecular structure; acid/base reactions; the chemistry of solutions; the gas laws; thermodynamics; kinetics; chemical equilibrium; and redox reactions. |