Title: Cultural Geography, first half |
Subject: World Geography 1 |
Course Number: 72350 |
Suggested Grade Level: 9th–12th |
Author: Michael D. Matthews |
Number of Pages: 624† |
Publisher: Bob Jones University Press |
Academic Credit: 1.0 |
Copyright: 2008 (3rd edition) |
Course Charge: $80.00 |
Prerequisites: None |
Course Materials: Textbook, teacher’s manual (2 volume set), 12 tests, and a test key* |
* Item published by Christian Liberty Press
† Only chapters 1–12 (322 pages) are required for this course |
Course Description: This course begins with a discussion of what geography is and then looks at the earth as a whole—both as how God made it and how man subdues it (through both industries and societies). It then turns to an examination of the earth regionally by continent, highlighting countries and notable features, people, and events.
Continents explored in Cultural Geography, first half, include: Europe (and Russia), North America, and Latin America (including Mexico, Central, and South America). |