Title: Biology: A Search for Order in Complexity |
Subject: Biology |
Course Number: 68910 |
Suggested Grade Level: 9th–12th |
Authors: John N. Moore, Harold S. Slusher, Leslie Mackenzie, David K. Arwine, Edward J. Shewan, and Michael J. McHugh (editors) |
Number of Pages: 418 |
Publisher: Christian Liberty Press |
Academic Credit: 1.0 |
Copyright: 2004 (2nd edition) |
Course Charge: None |
Prerequisites: None |
Course Materials: Textbook, teacher’s manual, and 17 tests* |
* Student Lab Manual and Lab Teacher's Guide are available for supplemental purchase from Christian Liberty Press. |
Course Description: This course is a comprehensive study of the science of biology. It utilizes a Christian perspective in examining the biological systems and processes of plants and animals. The book also features an analysis of human biological systems and processes, as well as a discussion of creation verses evolution. |