Title: American Government |
Subject: Government |
Course Number: 70375 |
Suggested Grade Level: 9th–12th |
Authors: W.R. Bowen, G.C. Cochran,
G.T. Thompson, M.R. Lowman |
Number of Pages:290 |
Publisher: A Beka Book Publishers |
Academic Credit: 1.0 |
Prerequisites: None |
Course Charge: None |
Course Materials: Textbook, 10 tests* and Answer Key* |
* Item published by Christian Liberty Press
Course Description: A conservative, Christian perspective makes this government course unique. Students need the firm foundation this text provides to become informed, responsible citizens and voters in today’s world. American Government opens with an inspiring look at the blessings we enjoy and the symbols we hold dear as American citizens. At the core of the text is a fascinating study of the Constitution, the government it established, and the rights and privileges it guarantees the American people. After studying the Constitution and the national government, students learn about federalism and government at the state and local levels. The text concludes with a chapter on the opportunities and responsibilities of American citizens to get involved in their unique political system. |